08.24 | | |
27.08.24 | D-Frankfurt |
Rhein-Main-Mini-Social (all dances will be walked through once) 19:00-22:00h; venue: IGS Herder, Wittelsbacherallee 6-12, 60316 Frankfurt contact: Birgit Stefanowicz info@frankfurt-scd-club.org http://www.frankfurt-scd-club.org/events/rmms2408 |
31.08.24 | D-Lueneburg |
2. Heide-Social; at: Sporthalle des OSV (Voegelser Str.20, D-21339 Lueneburg), at: 14:30h contact: Wiebke E. Luedtke http://www.heidesocial.wordpress.com Tanzprogramm: https://my.strathspey.org/dd/list/50001/ |
09.24 | | |
to 16.09.24 |
N-Oslo |
International Branch Dance Weekend contact: http://www.rscds-ib.org |
to 15.09.24 |
F-Josselin (Brittany) |
RSCDS Breton Branch SCD Weekend & Annual ball ... more details tbc teacher: William Williamson music: Strathallan Band contact: Penny Gibbs penny.gibbs@rscds-bb.fr https://rscds-bb.fr |
to 22.09.24 |
D-Wetzlar |
AGM Weekend 20 Years CGB Central German Branch Anniversary Ball & SCD Weekend (Adv./Intermed./Teaching Skills); venue: http://www.sportjugend-hessen.de/bildungsstaette-wetzlar/; Ball on Fri evening teacher: Antoine Rousseau (Advanced), Joana Stausberg (Intermed.), Anselm Lingnau (Teaching Skills) music: Andrew Lyon (piano), Susan McFadyen (accordeon), Matthias Rank (violin) contact: kurs@scd-germany.de http://scd-germany.de |
22.09.24 | D-Koeln/Cologne |
50th Anniversary Social in Cologne; at: 14:00-17:30h; at: VHS Studienhaus am Neumarkt, Caecilienstr, 35, D-50667 Koeln; Infos: Anja Breest info@rscds-cologne.de contact: Registration: VHS Koeln, A-369436 https://vhs-koeln.de/Veranstaltung/titel-Schottisch+Tanzen50+Jahrfeier/cmx65f317a2b7cd3.html |
10.24 | | |
to 06.10.24 |
D-Schnega |
Irischer Herbst auf der Muehle teacher: Jens Kommnick (Gitarre & Bouzouki), Angelika Berns (Singen); Siobhan Kennedy/Nick Wiseman-Ellis (Tunes for Melody Instrument & Tin Whistle) music: Turlough O'Neill (Irish Set/Sean nos); Aisling Lyons (Concertina) contact: kurs@proitzer-muehle.de https://proitzer-muehle.de/anmeldeformular/ |
to 13.10.24 |
F-Paris |
RSCDS Paris Branch 40th anniversary weekend; with a Welcome Dance on Fri.evening, a Ball on Sat.evening & a Workshop on Sun.morning teacher: Mathias Ferber (Highland class); Raphaelle Orgeret (SCD workshop) music: David Knight (fiddle), Keith Smith (fiddle), Dave Wiesler (piano) contact: secretary@rscdsparis.fr https://www.rscdsparis.fr https://www.facebook.com/rscdsparis |
to 13.10.24 |
D-Berlin |
50th Anniversary Weekend: Fri 19:30-22:00h Social Dance; Sat.09:00-14:00h Class & Lunch; 19:00h Ball at the Tegeler Seeterrassen, Wilkestr.1, D-13507 Berlin-Tegel; Sun.11:00h Brunch teacher: Jennifer Hawdon music: Grant Crawford & The Kilbryde Scottish Dance Band; The Berlin Thistle Pipes & Drums contact: Angelika & Christopher McLarren scdsberlin@gmail.com http://www.scds-berlin.de |
to 20.10.24 |
D-Schluechtern |
Autumn Course / Herbstkurs; level: higher intermediate; language: English; at: Kuckucksnest teacher: Anika Lange music: Silke Grosholz contact: kurs@scd-germany.de http://scd-germany.de Anfahrt/how to get there: http://www.kuckucksnest-schluechtern.de info@kuckucksnest-schluechtern.de |
to 20.10.24 |
CH-Basel |
Basel Youth Weekend Away; a weekend-long workshop for young dancers aged 12-35, incll. welcome party, engaging SCD classes & teacher's choice "speciality" class, a fun evening ball (on Sat., this for dancers of any age) & a tour teacher: Mathilde Tischmacher, Shona Holmes music: Susan McFadyen, Dave Wiesler contact: Tet Speirs RSCDS Youth Branch Chairwoman tet@rscds-youth.org |
19.10.24 | D-Hannover |
Ceilidh der SCD-Gruppe Let's fetz- von 15:00-18:00h; at: Freizeitheim-Doehren, Hildesheimer Str. 293 contact: Karola Pott karola-pott@t-online.de |
19.10.24 | D-Villingen |
Day workshop beginners & intermediate of the Wild Ghillies teacher: Birgitta Gindele, Harald Bailer music: Wolfgang Mueller contact: Birgitta Gindele scd-vs@gmx.de http://www.lag-tanz-bw.de/programm/2436 |
19.10.24 | NL-Eindhoven |
October Afternoon Ball Eindhoven of the Thistle Club; from 14:00-17:00h, the hall will be open at 13:30h; Venue: Wijkcentrum Unitas, Vlokhovenseweg 49, NL-5625 WV Eindhoven music: Christine Moos (fiddle) & Anselm Lingnau (piano) contact: info@thistleclub.nl Invitation & dance programm: https://thistleclub.nl/events.html |
to 27.10.24 |
D-Schwaebisch Gmuend |
"Autumn in Gamundia" - an International Scottish Dance Weekend by Rechberg Scottish Dancers e.V. incl. ball & workshop (level: advanced/very advanced); student discounts & scholarships available teacher: Deb Lees music: Kevin Lees, Phill Jones, Martainn Skene contact: Ute Pitzal gamundia@rechbergscottishdancers.de http://www.rechbergscottishdancers.de |
29.10.24 | D-Frankfurt |
Rhein-Main-Halloween-Mini-Social (all dances will be walked through once) 19:00-22:00h; venue: IGS Herder, Wittelsbacherallee 6-12, 60316 Frankfurt contact: Birgit Stefanowicz info@frankfurt-scd-club.org http://www.frankfurt-scd-club.org/events/rmms2410 |
11.24 | | |
to 10.11.24 |
D-Chemnitz |
Event at Strobelmuehle teacher: Mechthild & Andrew Timmins music: Christine Moos, Anselm Lingnau contact: Kristina Helle & Andrea Doeg scd@folkverein-chemnitz.de http://www.folkverein-chemnitz.de/scd/ |
09.11.24 | D-Bochum |
10. Ruhrball; at: 19:00h, with a Walkthrough 16:00h; venue: Erich-Bruehmann-Haus, Kreyenfeldstr. 36, D-44894 Bochum-Werne music: "Any wishes" (aus Muenster): Ilona Stuetz (Floete) & Edwin Werner (Klavier) contact: ruhrball@gmx.de http://www.ruhrball.wordpress.com |
to 17.11.24 |
D-Erlangen |
Young Dancers Workshop (until age of 35): Social, Classes (Beginners & Intermed./advanced), Ball (Ball for all ages); Fri.17:00 (with a beginners crash course)-Sun.13:00h teacher: Intermed./Advanced tba, Beginner/Low Intermed. Anne Sophie Lohr music: Silke Grosholz (piano), Matthias Rank (violin) & Thomas Naefe contact: Lennart, Helena, Alison SCD-Workshop-ER@gmx.de |
to 24.11.24 |
D-Schluechtern |
November Course; level: very advanced; language: English; at: Kuckucksnest teacher: David Queen music: Stefan Schatz contact: kurs@scd-germany.de http://scd-germany.de Anfahrt/how to get there: http://www.kuckucksnest-schluechtern.de info@kuckucksnest-schluechtern.de |
to 24.11.24 |
CH-Basel |
Swiss Weekend Course & Ball in Basel (for intermediate & advanced dancers); at: Kurbrunnensaal in Rheinfelden (near Basel) teacher: Fiona Mackie music: Gillian Stevenson (fiddle) & David Oswald (accordion) contact: secretary@scdgb.ch https://www.scdgb.ch/ |
to 24.11.24 |
D-Frankfurt |
Schnupper-Wochenende/Taster Weekend (for beginners); 23.11. 14:00-18:15h; 24.11. 10:00-14:15h in cooperation with vhs Frankfurt am Main; venue: BIKUZ Sporthalle, Gebeschussstr. 5, D-65929 Frankfurt contact: Birgit Stefanowicz info@frankfurt-scd-club.org https://vhs.frankfurt.de/de/portal |
02.25 | | |
to 16.02.24 |
I-Torino |
SCD workshop teacher: Rachel Shankland music: live: Adam Brady (accordion) contact: clivis@hotmail.it http://www.clivis-torino.it |
to 02.03.25 |
D-Schluechtern |
Spring-Course; levels: Beginners with some experience & Intermediate; language: English/German; at: Kuckucksnest Vollmerz-Schluechtern teacher: Martin McWilliam, Eva-Maria Beckmann music: Wolfgang Mueller (accordeon) contact: kurs@scd-germany.de http://scd-germany.de Anfahrt/how to get there: http://www.kuckucksnest-schluechtern.de info@kuckucksnest-schluechtern.de |
03.25 | | |
to 09.03.25 |
Portugal/Spain |
Iberian Scottish Country Dance Weekend teacher: Helen Russell music: Marian Anderson Band contact: Magdafer@telefonica.net https://sites.google.com/site/ipscdg/annual-iberian-dance-weekend |
04.25 | | |
05.04.25 | D-Muehlheim |
54th Frankfurt Spring Ball & Day School (intermediate & above); 10:00-00:30h; venue: Pfarrheim St.Sebastian, Hanauer STr. 17, D-63165 Muehlheim teacher: Day School: Gisela Koehne; Walkthrough: Dagmar Suhm music: Anselm Lingnau (piano) & Christine Moos (fiddle) + guests contact: Birgit Stefanowicz info@frankfurt-scd-club.org http://www.frankfurt-scd-club.org/events/ball2025/ |
to 21.04.25 |
D-Schluechtern |
Easter-Course; levels: Advanced; language: English; at: Kuckucksnest Vollmerz-Schluechtern teacher: Anselm Lingnau music: Akiko Kasama (piano), Kana Otake (fiddle) contact: kurs@scd-germany.de http://scd-germany.de Anfahrt/how to get there: http://www.kuckucksnest-schluechtern.de info@kuckucksnest-schluechtern.de |
05.25 | | |
to 04.05.25 |
D-Oberlethe |
PottersPairs 25th Jubilee weekend; at: https://www.hof-oberlethe.de Signing will open 08.Sept.2024 teacher: Musicians: Susie Petrov; Advanced: Raphaelle Orgeret; Intermediate: Alex Figl-Brick; Kids: Kathryn Simonsen music: Bluebell SCD Trio (Tokyo) & Susie Petrov contact: Martin McWilliam scottdance@ewe.net http://www.potterspairs.net |
05.24 | | |
10.05.24 | D-Hamburg |
Save the Date: Ceilidh, details tba music: Bluebell Trio (Japan) contact: http://www.scd-hamburg.de |
10.05.24 | D-Karlsruhe |
Karlsruhe Ball, at: 19:00h; Ball practice during the day from 10:30-12:30h & 14:00-16:00h; Venue: Spechtwaldsaal - Ettlingen-Spessart, D-76275 Ettlingen, Allmendstr. 60 teacher: Ball practice: Gisela Koehne music: Silke Grosholz, Matthias Rank & Thomas Naefe contact: Please register with Walter Raffler info@scdk.de http://www.scdk.de |
05.25 | | |
17.05.25 | NL-Eindhoven |
Thistle Club Eindhoven & Brussels Dance Scottish Afternoon Class & Evening Dance teacher: Matthias Ferber music: Blubell Trio (Japan) contact: info@thistleclub.nl scdbrussels@yahoo.com |
06.25 | | |
to 09.06.25 |
D-Muenchen/Munich |
Munich SCD Course, Whitsun 2025 for intermediate & advances dancers; venue: Salesianum, Muenchen/Munich teacher: Andrew Nolan music: Martainn Skene & his band contact: info@munichscottish.de http://www.munichscottish.de |
to 29.06.25 |
D-Schluechtern |
Summer-Course & Ball; levels: Intermediate & Advanced; language: English; at: Kuckucksnest Vollmerz-Schluechtern teacher: Ramona Rank music: Silke Grossholz (piano) contact: kurs@scd-germany.de http://scd-germany.de Anfahrt/how to get there: http://www.kuckucksnest-schluechtern.de info@kuckucksnest-schluechtern.de |
09.25 | | |
to 21.09.25 |
D-Wetzlar |
SCD & AGM Weekend; level advanced/intermediate/teaching skills/kids; at: Sport- und Bildungsstaette Wetzlar teacher: Craig Houston-Donald, Rachel Shankland, Grahm Donald music: Ewan Galloway (accordeon), Shona MacFadyen (fiddle) contact: kurs@scd-germany.de http://scd-germany.de Anfahrt/how to get there: https://www.sportjugend-hessen.de/bildungsstaette-wetzlar/ |
10.25 | | |
to 19.10.25 |
D-Schluechtern |
Autumn-Course; levels: higher Intermediate; language: English; at: Kuckucksnest Vollmerz-Schluechtern teacher: Florence Burgy music: Silke Grossholz (piano) contact: kurs@scd-germany.de http://scd-germany.de Anfahrt/how to get there: http://www.kuckucksnest-schluechtern.de info@kuckucksnest-schluechtern.de |
11.25 | | |
to 23.11.25 |
D-Schluechtern |
November-Course; levels: very Advanced; language: English; at: Kuckucksnest Vollmerz-Schluechtern teacher: Andrew Timmins music: Stefan Schatz (piano) contact: kurs@scd-germany.de http://scd-germany.de Anfahrt/how to get there: http://www.kuckucksnest-schluechtern.de info@kuckucksnest-schluechtern.de |